Waimea Valley Falls Trail


0.75 Mi/1.1KM (0.5 - 1 Hour)

Difficulty: Easy

Elevation Gain: 200ft/ 640m

Time: Sunrise-Sunset

Fee: $5

Parking: Parking on Waimea Valley Rd

What to expect: 3/4 Mile, Crowded

Terrain: One of our family favorites - good for all ages! The trail to Waimea Falls is about 3/4 of a mile and takes approximately 30 minutes. It is paved the entire way, with sloped hills from time to time. The walk itself is set in one of the Oahu’s most beautiful landscapes. There are also several gravel paths that branch from the main trail, where you may find all kinds of exciting plants or find some peace and quiet.

On your way to the waterfall stop and check out the Hawaiian cultural sites and view the ancient Hawaiian living sites. Lots of posted information throughout the walk for you to learn about the life and culture of early Hawaiian people.

Also look for the native Hawaiian birds who make their homes in the ponds!

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